Yes, it was summer. No, it was not warm.

When Susan requested Calke Abbey as the venue for their shoot my heart jumped a beat. You see, as well as being a photographer I am mum to Jacob & Eleanor and Calke is one of our favourite haunts. So much so, that I’m pretty sure I know every nook and cranny of the place, not only is there a stunning stately home (to be honest, this isn’t what draws me in…) there are the stable blocks; all of those wonderfully textured walls and different coloured doors with flaking paint….and then there’s the walled gardens…and the flowers, oh, the flowers.

I’m not quite sure how Susan came into my life; our boys are the same age and she was introduced as a friend of a friend and well, she sort of stuck around. Some people are like that you see. Your paths cross and you chat and over time you realise that you have met a kindred spirit. An added bonus is that the boys get on brilliantly, which is a help as we do tend to chat and leave them to get on with it…

I photographed Sam when he was a toddler and he is absolutely bursting with personality and not a lot has changed.  When you look at the images I’m sure you will agree. Hahaha…in fact, when the family were just leaving from their viewing Sam asked me for a hug and then shouted for his Daddy to come and join in…so funny (and a little bit awkward)!!

Anyway, I digress. As with all of my shoots I was checking the weather in the run-up to the session and it didn’t look promising. Rain, then overcast, then wind, then torrential rain…Arghh!!! I fully understand the preparation that goes into a photoshoot from the family’s side of things – especially when there are children involved – so cancelling due to weather is never ideal. A final weather check 40 minutes before the shoot and we decided what the heck, go for it. Yes, it was June. No, it was not warm. So dressed more for spring than summer the shoot went ahead. And boy, oh boy, am I pleased that it did. Sam was an absolute star and put on his best performance ever! I love every image in this gallery and I truly hope that Susan and Andy do too…an absolute pleasure – I know I always say that. But it always is…


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